Thursday, August 2, 2018


(Source 1) (Source 2)

Costa Rica and Russia are surprisingly similar when it comes to their religious aspects in government. Most namely is the fact that they are both secular, allowing all religions to be practiced freely in their country, Costa Rica even being considered one of the most secular countries in Latin America by some. Of course, there are differences between the two when to move away from politics i.e. that Costa Rica is predominantly Roman Catholicism and Russia Orthodox Christian. This meaning that Costa Rica claimed religion has the Pope which they know to be infallible, with service held in Latin and that Russia predominantly has the First Bishop or "first among equals" which is not infallible, with the services held in native languages. Costa Rica claimed religion also believes that Mary is free from original sin and their priests cannot marry, while Russia's believes Marry was not free from original sin and priests can marry before being ordinated. Russia also has approximately 32% of their religious associations as Moslem while in Costa Rica Moslem faith falls under the 4.8% of "other faith", being a significantly smaller portion than Russia.

This link helped with finding any information related to this.

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